Pressure Washing

Pressure Washing for Commercial Kitchens

Over 13 Years of Industry Experience

Free Oil Pickup, Plumbing, and Pressure Washing Perks

We Offer Silent Pumping Upon Request

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Solve Your Kitchen's Odor Problems

Regular pressure washing service is the solution to prevent a commercial kitchen's "dirty secret" from becoming evident to customers. Dirty areas also attract rodents and flies, leading to infestations and further exacerbating the odor issue.

The key to addressing these problems is scheduling regular power washing visits. This process effectively removes tough grease, rotten food residues, and other materials, eliminating odors and reducing vermin attraction.

Given the continuous generation of waste in commercial kitchens, power washing should be performed frequently to control residue buildup. For a recommended schedule and a quote, contact First Texas Grease today. They will assess your situation on-site before providing tailored recommendations. We offer 10% OFF pressure washing work for our customers.

1st Texas Grease's pressure washing machine on back of a flatbed trailer
Pressure washing a commercial kitchen in Houston, TX

Pressure Washing of Commercial Kitchens

First Texas Grease uses high-pressure water at an ambient temperature. The Water flows through a tank that uses a motor to push the water through a hose. We use a variety of different nozzles to control the water flow, as determined by the surface that we are cleaning for you.

Our pressure washers use between 1,300 and 2,800 PSI of pressure. Pressure washing is one of the most effective ways to restore your property to like-new condition. 

10% OFF Pressure Washing Work for New and Existing Customers

Call us today.

(713) 893-3617

(713) 893-3617

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First Texas Grease

Serving the Houston, TX area. First Texas Grease specializes in cooking oil recycling and grease trap services. Over 13 years of industry experience. Guaranteed satisfaction. Silent pump outs. Call us today.

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